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Почетна Е-продавница The Meaning of Reality – Christos Yannaras

The Meaning of Reality – Christos Yannaras

1.050,00 рсд

The Meaning of Reality – Christos Yannaras, 202 страница. Издаје: Sebastian Press Western American Diocese of Serbian Orthodox Church in collaboration with The Institute for Theological Research in Belgrade, 2011. година

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by Christos Yannaras

           The texts that comprise this book wew of an occasional nature, published in English in journals or edited volumes. They were colected and prepared for publication in a single volume by my dear friend, Father Maxim Vasiljevic, bishop of the Serbian Church in California. Serbia, the contry and its people, has lived, in the last sixty years, a true martyrdom: They experienced the ingumanity and horror of both the Marxist-communist and the capitalist – “liberal” aspects of historical materialism, a typical offspring of the Enlightenment. God, however, gave the Serbs a counterweight to this torment: a group of bishops who are an invaluable resource – not only for thie people but for the whole ecumenical Orthodox Church – for the practical illumination of the “meaning” of our existence, of our enigmatic age, and of history in general 

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