With the publication of this volume, English-speaking Orthodox and non-Ortodox Christians alike will have the opportunuty to acquaint themselves with the though and work of Nenad Milosevic, the eminent liturgical scholar and Professor of Liturgics at the Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade.
Through his methodical study of the sources (including a considerable number of liturgical manuscripts and texts and a wide range of partistic and other ecclesiastical writings), his careful analysis of the historical evidence, and his judicious interpretation of the liturgical data, Professor Milosevic provides his readers with facts and insights to help them broaden their knowledge, deepen their understanding, and heighten their appreciation of the sacremental life of the Church, centered – as the title of his work suggests – on the Divine Liturgy, the sacred rite by which the Orthodox Church celebrates the mystery, or sacrement, of the holy Eucharist …